TWSd (IBM Tivoli)
Wildcard : @ = chaîne de caractères
JST : Jobset (ensemble de jobs)
Job : Tâche / Traitement
La commande conman
permet d'obtenir des informations et d'interagir sur le plan en cours.
Aide conman
$ conman help COMMANDS
| Command | Short Form | Description | Type |
| adddep { job | | adj | ads | Adds job or job stream | F |
| sched } | | dependencies. | |
| altjob | aj | Modifies a job in the | F |
| | | plan before it runs. | |
| altpass | | Alters a user object | F |
| | | definition password. | |
| altpri | ap | Alters job or job stream | F |
| | | priorities. | |
| bulk_discovery | bulk | Performs a bulk | F |
| | | discovery. For use with | |
| | | IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.1 | |
| | | (Tivoli Enterprise | |
| | | Portal). | |
| cancel { job | | cj | cs | Cancels a job or a job | F |
| sched } | | stream. | |
| checkhealth | chs | Invokes chkhltst service | MFS |
| status | | to check if mailbox can | |
| | | be successfully read by | |
| | | mailman or if there are | |
| | | errors in the mailbox | |
| | | header. | |
| confirm | conf | Confirms job completion. | F |
| console | cons | Assigns the IBM Workload | FS |
| | | Scheduler console. | |
| continue | cont | Ignores the next error. | FS |
| deldep { job | | ddj | dds | Deletes job or job stream | F |
| sched } | | dependencies. | |
| deployconf | deploy | Gets the latest | FS |
| | | monitoring configuration | |
| | | for the event monitoring | |
| | | engine on the | |
| | | workstation. | |
| display { file | df | dj | | Displays files, jobs, and | FS |
| | job | sched | ds | job streams. | |
| } | | | |
| exit | e | Exits conman. | FS |
| fence | f | Sets IBM Workload | F |
| | | Scheduler job fence. | |
| help(1) | h | Displays command | FS |
| | | information. | |
| kill | k | Stops an executing job. | F |
| limit { cpu | | lc | ls | Changes a workstation or | F |
| sched } | | job stream job limit. | |
| link | lk | Opens workstation links. | FS |
| listsym | lis | Displays a list of | F |
| | | Symphony log files. | |
| listsucc | | Lists the successors of a | F |
| | | job. | |
| recall | rc | Displays prompt messages. | F |
| redo | red | Edits the previous | FS |
| | | command. | |
| release { job | rj | rs | Releases job or job | F |
| | sched } | | stream dependencies. | |
| reply | rep | Replies to prompt | F |
| | | message. | |
| rerun | rr | Reruns a job. | F |
| rerunsucc | | Reruns a job and runs its | F |
| | | successors. | |
| resetFTA | N/A | Recovers a corrupt | T |
| | | Symphony file on the | |
| | | specified fault-tolerant | |
| | | agent | |
| resource | res | Changes the number of | F |
| | | resource units. | |
| setsym | set | Selects a Symphony log | F |
| | | file. | |
| showcpus | sc | Displays workstation and | FS |
| | | link information. | |
| showdomain | showd | Displays domain | FS |
| | | information. | |
| showfiles | sf | Displays information | F |
| | | about files. | |
| showjobs | sj | Displays information | F |
| | | about jobs. | |
| showprompts | sp | Displays information | F |
| | | about prompts. | |
| showresources | sr | Displays information | F |
| | | about resources. | |
| showschedules | ss | Displays information | F |
| | | about job streams. | |
| shutdown | shut | Stops IBM Workload | FS |
| | | Scheduler production | |
| | | processes. | |
| start | | Starts IBM Workload | FS |
| | | Scheduler production | |
| | | processes. | |
| startappserver | | Starts the WebSphere | FS |
| | | Application Server | |
| | | process | |
| startevent | startevtp | Starts the event | M(2) |
| processor | | processing server. | |
| startmon | startm | Starts the monman process | FS |
| | | that turns on the event | |
| | | monitoring engine on the | |
| | | agent. | |
| status | stat | Displays IBM Workload | FS |
| | | Scheduler production | |
| | | status. | |
| stop | | Stops IBM Workload | FS |
| | | Scheduler production | |
| | | processes. | |
| stop | | Stops IBM Workload | |
| ;progressive | | Scheduler production | |
| | | processes hierarchically. | |
| stopappserver | stopapps | Stops the WebSphere | FS |
| | | Application Server | |
| | | process | |
| stopevent | stopevtp | Stops the event | M(2) |
| processor | | processing server. | |
| stopmon | stopm | Stops the event | FS |
| | | monitoring engine on the | |
| | | agent. | |
| submit { | | Submits a command, file, | FS(3) |
| docommand | | sbd | | job, or job stream. | |
| file | job | | sbf | | | |
| sched } | sbj | | | |
| | sbs | | |
| switchevent | switchevtp | Switches the event | M |
| processor | | processing server from | |
| | | master domain managers to | |
| | | backup masters or vice | |
| | | versa. | |
| switchmgr | switchm | Switches the domain | F |
| | | manager. | |
| system-command | | Sends a command to the | FS |
| | | system. | |
| tellop | to | Sends a message to the | FS |
| | | console. | |
| unlink | | Closes workstation links. | FS |
| version | v | Displays conman's command | FS |
| | | line program banner. | |
Other HELP topics:
Voir la suite
$ conman help [topic]
topic | |
COMMANDS | List of conman commands |
JOBSELECT | Information about selecting and qualifying jobs |
JOBSTATES | List of job states |
JSSELECT | Information about selecting and qualifying job streams |
JSSTATES | List of job stream states |
MANAGEBACKLEVEL | Managing jobs and job streams from back-level agents |
RUNCONMAN | How to run conman |
SETUPCONMAN | Describes how to setup to use conman |
SPECIALCHAR | Describes the wildcards, delimiters and other special characters you can use |
Ne pas afficher les entêtes TWSd
$ conman "<command> WS#JOBSTREAM" 2>/dev/null
Etat des Job streams (showschedules)
Etat d'une chaîne
$ conman "ss WS#JOBSTREAM"
Etat des Jobs (showjobs)
Etat de tous les jobs d'une chaîne
$ conman "sj WS#JOBSTREAM" [[+~]state exec|hold|stuck|succ|ready]
# +state : affiche les jobs dans l'état mentionnés
# ~state : affiche les jobs qui ne sont pas dans l'état mentionné
Etat d'un job
$ conman "sj WS#JOBSTREAM.JOB"
Définition d'un job
$ conman "ds WS#JOBSTREAM"
Log d'un Job
$ conman "sj WS#JOBSTREAM.JOB" stdl
$ conman "sj WS#JOBSTREAM(hhmm MM/JJ).JOB" stdl
Cancel d'un Job stream / Job
Job stream
$ conman "cs WS#JOBSTREAM[;noask;pend]"
$ conman "cs WS#JOBSTREAM(hhmm MM/JJ)[;noask;pend]"
$ conman "cj WS#JOBSTREAM(hhmm MM/JJ).JOB"
options |
noask | ne demande pas de confirmation interactive. |
pend | la chaîne passera en CANCEL seulement lorsque ce sera son tour d'être exécutée. |
Relance d'un Job
$ conman "rr WS#JOBSTREAM(hhmm MM/JJ).JOB"
Modifier la priorité d'un Job stream
$ conman "ap WS#JOBSTREAM(hhmm MM/JJ)" <priority_num>
$ conman "ap WS#JOBSTREAM(hhmm MM/JJ);<priority_num>"
priority_num :
(ne s'exécute pas) →
Libérer les dépendances
Job stream
$ conman "rs WS#JOBSTREAM(hhmm MM/JJ)"
$ conman "rj WS#JOBSTREAM(hhmm MM/JJ).JOB"
Ajouter une dépendance
Ajouter une dépendance d'un Job à un JST
$ conman "adddep WS#JOBSTREAM2(hhmm MM/DD/YY);follows=WS#JOBSTREAM1(hhmm MM/DD/YY).END_JOB"
$ conman "ads WS#JOBSTREAM2(hhmm MM/DD/YY);follows=WS#JOBSTREAM1(hhmm MM/DD/YY).END_JOB"
Ajouter une dépendance d'un Job à un job
$ conman "adj WS#JOBSTREAM2(hhmm MM/DD/YY).JOB;follows=WS#JOBSTREAM1(hhmm MM/DD/YY).END_JOB"
follows' contient le nom de la dépendance à rattacher
Exemple :
#1 Monter au plan les chaines suivantes en date du 25/03/23 18:00 :
$ conman "sbs sched=SL05UB#ZP8TP40BC03CMD1A; at=1800 03/25/2023"
$ conman "sbs sched=SL05UB#ZP8TP40BC04CMD1A; at=1800 03/25/2023"
#2 Ajouter les prédécesseurs suivants à la chaine SL05SD#ZPA9P4I02501J00C 05/03/23 18:00 :
$ conman "adddep SL05SD#ZPA9P4I02501J00C(1800 03/05);follows=SL05UB#ZP8TP40BC03CMD1A(1800 03/05).ZP8TP40BC03CSIGMAZZZZ"
$ conman "adddep SL05SD#ZPA9P4I02501J00C(1800 03/05);follows=SL05UB#ZP8TP40BC04CMD1A(1800 03/05).ZP8TP40BC04CSIGMAZZZZ"
Supprimer une dépendance
Ajouter une dépendance d'un Job à un JST
$ conman "deldep WS#JOBSTREAM2(hhmm MM/DD/YY);follows=WS#JOBSTREAM1(hhmm MM/DD/YY).END_JOB"
Monter une chaîne au plan
# Soumission immédiate
$ conman "sbs WS#JOBSTREAM;noask"
# Soumission planifiée
$ conman "sbs WS#JOBSTREAM at=HHMM MM/JJ/AA"
$ conman "sbs sched=WS#JOBSTREAM at=HHMM MM/JJ/AA"
$ conman "sbs sched=WS#JOBSTREAM at=HHMM MM/JJ/AA priority=0" # Empêche la chaîne de démarrer
Bloquer une workstation
Vérification du FENCE :
$ conman 'sc @!suz9ty'
SUZ9TY 2940 UNIX FTA 200 0 01/19/23 12:21 LTI JW MD MASTERDM
# => On vérifie que FENCE est à 0 (tous les travaux peuvent s'exécuter)
Limiter le seuil minimal d'exécution :
$ conman 'fence @!suz9ty 80' # on passe le fence à 80
# => tous les jobs avec une priorité < 80 ne s'exécuteront pas
Blocage total des exécutions :
$ conman 'fence @!suz9ty 101'
La commande composer
permet de gérer les objets dans la base TWSd (job streams, jobs, schedules…).
Aide composer
$ composer help COMMANDS
| Command | Short | Description |
| | Name | |
| add | a | Adds a scheduling objects definition |
| | | to the database from a text file. |
| authenticate | au | Changes the credentials of the user |
| | | running composer. |
| continue | c | Ignores the next error. |
| create | cr | Extracts an object definition from the |
| | | database and writes it in a text file. |
| | | Synonym for the extract command. |
| delete | de | Deletes scheduling objects. |
| display | di | Displays the details of the specified |
| | | scheduling object. |
| edit | ed | Edits a file. |
| exit | e | Exits composer. |
| extract | ext | Extracts an object definition from the |
| | | database and writes it in a text file. |
| help | h | Invoke the help on line for a command. |
| list | l | Lists scheduling objects. |
| lock | lo | Locks the access to database objects. |
| modify | m | Modifies scheduling objects. |
| new | | Creates a scheduling object using a |
| | | text file where the object definition |
| | | is inserted online. If you specify the |
| | | type of scheduling object you want to |
| | | define after new command, a predefined |
| | | object definition is filled in the |
| | | text file. |
| print | p | Synonym for the list command. |
| redo | red | Edits and reruns the previous command. |
| rename | rn | Changes the object name. |
| replace | rep | Replaces scheduling objects . |
| system command | | Invokes an operating system command. |
| unlock | u | Releases lock on the scheduling object |
| | | defined in the database. |
| update | up | Updates the attributes settings of the |
| | | scheduling object in the database. |
| validate | val | Validates the syntax, semantic, and |
| | | data integrity of an object |
| | | definition. |
| version | v | Displays the composer command-line |
| | | program banner. |
Visualiser la définition d'un Job stream
$ composer {display|disp|di} "WS#JOBSTREAM"
Exporter la définition d'un Job stream dans un fichier
Permet de modifier rapidement un paramétrage depuis un fichier texte.
$ composer extract <fic_export.txt> js="WS#JOBSTREAM"
On peut, par exemple, ajouter l'instruction
dans le fichier pour l'empêcher de monter au plan à l'avenir.
Il faut ensuite réimporter le fichier modifié dans TWSd.
Importer la définition d'un Job stream depuis un fichier
$ composer replace <fic_export.txt>
Inutile de préciser le job stream car il est renseigné dans le fichier.